Thursday, August 24, 2006

Google in Brazil: Who Guards Orkut's Playground?

Brin and PageThe Brazilian blogosphere is talking about Google or more specifically about Orkut, its social network which has attracted a huge number of players. In order to understand Google's significance in South America's biggest country it must be realized that today of the 20 million Brazilians with access to the Internet , approximately 17 million are in Orkut. Indeed, it seems that the wholesale involvement of a society in a virtual space that has a peculiar (and loose) identity system is not providing good outcomes. Prosecutors in Brazil claim that there are users engaged in illegal activity on Orkut and they are going after Google because so far it has refused to hand over information about them.
O Ministério Público Federal (MPF) prepara duas ações contra a Google: uma civil (perda da representatividade e pagamento de indenização por danos morais coletivos) e outra criminal por proteção de criminosos (favorecimento pessoal) e desobediência. O inquérito policial foi instaurado há dois meses. Há cinco meses, o MPF aguarda o fornecimento dos dados de 27 perfis e criadores de comunidades do Orkut. A quebra do sigilo foi autorizada pela Justiça, mas nunca foi cumprida pelo Google Brasil, segundo afirmou o procurador da República no estado de São Paulo, Sérgio Gardenghi Suiama, que moverá as duas ações contra a empresa.
Orkut pode fechar o escritório do Google Brasil -
The country's Public Attorney's Office filed two lawsuits against Google. A civil one -- loss of representativeness and compensation for collective moral damages -- and a criminal one for protecting criminals and refusal to comply. The political inquiry was launched two months ago. For six months now the MPF is waiting for the information about 27 profiles of community creators in Orkut. The disclosure was authorized by the justice system, but it was never processed by Google Brazil, as reported by the federal Prosecutor in São Paulo state, Mr. Sergio Gardenghi Suiama, who will file both lawsuits against the corporation.
Orkut can close Google's office in Brasil -

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mommy Bloggers Achieve Community and Empowerment in the Lusosphere

One of the most active blogging categories in the fast expanding Lusosphere is that of the 'mommy bloggers'. The movement is championed by a Brazilian blog which turned into book, and now is about to launch its own TV show on a cable channel. And beyond this example, there is a general enthusiasm displayed by the authors and readers of parenting blogs that is part of the general blogging phenomenon already noticed in many other spheres.

Mothern - Mommybloggers
the crazy adventures of two girls who already delivered children
O Mothern, além de ser blog, livro, coluna de revista e casa de ópio para mães internautas viciadas em guestbooks, vai ser também um programa no GNT! O programa está sob a responsabilidade da produtora Radar Mixer, um povo muito competente. Pelo que vimos e palpitamos até agora, tem tudo para ser um sucesso. E não somos só nós duas, corujas, que achamos isso. A própria Letícia Muhana, diretora do canal, disse outro dia na imprensa que "Mothern estréia em agosto e será semanal - a primeira temporada terá 13 episódios, mas digo sem medo de errar que veio para virar programa de linha". Sendo assim, está confirmadíssimo: nossas aventuras e muitas outras situações mothernas vão estar na tela do canal mais feminino do Brasil. Assistam, nem que seja no televizinho, espalhem e comentem. Crescei e multiplicai-vos, motherns : )
programa no GNT - Mothern
'Mothern' -- besides being a blog, a book, a magazine column and an 'opium house' to guestbook addicted internaut mothers -- now is also gonna turn into a TV show on GNT! Radar Mixer is the competent crew which is in charge of the production. From what we could see and do until now, it has all the ingredients to be a success and we are not the only ones to think that way. Leticia Muhana, the channel director told the press that 'Mothern will launch in August as a weekly show -- the first season will have 13 episodes, but I am not afraid to say that it will turn into a permanent show in our program grid'. So it is confirmed: our adventures and many other 'mothern' situations will star on Brazil's most feminine channel screen. Please watch it, even if it has to be in your neighbor's cable, and then talk about it. Grow and multiply yourselves, motherns : )
GNT TV show - Mothern