O Ministério Público Federal (MPF) prepara duas ações contra a Google: uma civil (perda da representatividade e pagamento de indenização por danos morais coletivos) e outra criminal por proteção de criminosos (favorecimento pessoal) e desobediência. O inquérito policial foi instaurado há dois meses. Há cinco meses, o MPF aguarda o fornecimento dos dados de 27 perfis e criadores de comunidades do Orkut. A quebra do sigilo foi autorizada pela Justiça, mas nunca foi cumprida pelo Google Brasil, segundo afirmou o procurador da República no estado de São Paulo, Sérgio Gardenghi Suiama, que moverá as duas ações contra a empresa.
Orkut pode fechar o escritório do Google Brasil - undergoogle.com
The country's Public Attorney's Office filed two lawsuits against Google. A civil one -- loss of representativeness and compensation for collective moral damages -- and a criminal one for protecting criminals and refusal to comply. The political inquiry was launched two months ago. For six months now the MPF is waiting for the information about 27 profiles of community creators in Orkut. The disclosure was authorized by the justice system, but it was never processed by Google Brazil, as reported by the federal Prosecutor in São Paulo state, Mr. Sergio Gardenghi Suiama, who will file both lawsuits against the corporation.
Orkut can close Google's office in Brasil - undergoogle.com
Orkut can close Google's office in Brasil - undergoogle.com
A Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias da Câmara envia hoje ao Congresso norte-americano um dossiê contendo denúncias de pornografia infantil e pedofilia na internet. O relatório será encaminhado pelo conselheiro da Embaixada dos Estados Unidos, Dennis Hearne. O relatório destaca o site de relacionamento Orkut, de propriedade da empresa norte-americana Google Inc., como local preferencial para a ação de pedófilos no Brasil. O documento foi elaborado, a pedido da comissão, pela organização não-governamental SaferNet Brasil, especializada em denúncias de ações criminosas desenvolvidas por meio da rede mundial de computadores. O dossiê apresenta fotos de páginas de pedofilia no Orkut e por isso não pode ser divulgado amplamente.
Direitos Humanos denuncia Orkut ao Congresso dos EUA - Informática Jurídica e Direito da Informática LEFIS
The Chamber's Minorities and Human Rights' Commission is sending today to the American Congress a complete report filled with denouncements of child pornography and pedophilia on the Internet. The report will be brought by the US Embassy's counselor, Mr. Dennis Hearne. The report focuses on the Orkut social software -- owned by the American corporation Google Inc. -- as a preferred place for pedophiles in Brazil. Following a Chamber Commission's request, the document was developed by the NGO SaferNet Brasil, which is specialized in denouncing criminal activities on the Internet. The report couldn't be more sensational as it presents pictures of pedophile pages in Orkut.
Human Rights denounces Orkut to the American Congress - Juridic Informatics and Info Law - Lefis
Human Rights denounces Orkut to the American Congress - Juridic Informatics and Info Law - Lefis
The big media splash caused by the moves of Brazilian officials seemed disproportional at first, and the company's response was intended to keep the flames under control. Google attempted to cool the issue by asserting that local authorities have been making their demands to the Brazilian office, which is composed of sales people and not lawyers. The prosecutors did not buy it. Their dramatic response was to level a $61 million (USD) fine and the possibility of having Google's Brazilian unit dissolved. But the company's stance of declining to hand over user information has raised its status among global network freedom advocates, and the attention captured by the issue signals an escalation of the latest dispute to pit the workings of a national legal system against the operations of the US global Internet giants.
O Google, historicamente, tem se negado a fornecer informações de seus usuários a justiça e este episódio levanta uma questão importante, até onde os dados dos usuários devem ou não ser ocultados dos órgãos públicos? O MP não tem intenção de aliviar nesta questão, portanto ou o Google cede, como já cedeu na China bloqueando dados indesejados ou sua existência no Brasil pode estar comprometida.
O Google anda tendo sérios problemas com a justiça brasileira - 1/2 Bit
Google has historically denied to hand over user information to the justice system, and this episode opens up an important question: in what situation do user data have to be disclosed to public organs? The Public Attorney has no intention of letting go of the issue, and therefore Google will have to cooperate, as it already did in China regarding censorship in its search service. Otherwise, its presence in Brazil can be at risk.
Google is having serious problems with Brazilian justice - 1/2 Bit
Google is having serious problems with Brazilian justice - 1/2 Bit
O procurador da empresa Google Brasil, Durval Noronha, contestou hoje (23), em uma conferência por telefone, os números apresentados pela organização não-governamental SaferNet à respeito dos crimes contra os direitos humanos praticados no site de relacionamentos Orkut. “São números subjetivos, não auditados, e nós questionamos esses números apresentados”, afirmou o procurador.
Procurador da Google Brasil questiona pesquisa - Pernambuco.com
Google Brazil's solicitor, Mr. Durval Noronha, in a phone conference today (23 August) has contested the numbers related to crimes against human rights performed in Orkut social network as presented by the NGO SaferNet. "These are subjective numbers, non-audited, and we are questioning the numbers presented", declared the solicitor.
Google Brasil's solicitor questions survey - Pernambuco.com
Google Brasil's solicitor questions survey - Pernambuco.com
Mais uma vez, na disputa entre Google e Ministério Público de SP ficou evidente que a Google quer seguir as leis americanas e o MP, as brasileiras.O MP quer os IP's [espécie de RG do usuário] dos membros das comunidades acusados de pedofilia e outros crimes. A Google se nega fornecer esses dados.O detalhe é que essas informações sobre os IP's estão nos EUA, mais precisamente na Califórnia, local onde as leis e a cultura local protegem, de forma efetiva, o anonimato e a livre expressão na web.Por isso, o IP do usuário é um dado que dificilmente será divulgado. Vale lembrar que, ao contrário da Yahoo!, nem com pressão do governo chinês, a Google revelou dados de seus usuários. Preferiu censurar os resultados de suas buscas.O que o MP deveria fazer é se espelhar na rede social MySpace, que se tornou um lugar mais seguro depois que restringiu o acesso de menores e convocou diversos especialistas para monitorarem o site. Entregar dados de usuários é mais difícil. Agora, cá entre nós, esse papo de fechamento de escritório já é muito barulho.
Desse jeito nunca chegarão a um acordo! - Tudo na Net
One more time in this dispute it became clear that Google wants to follow American laws, while São Paulo's Public Attorney wants them to comply with the Brazilian law. He demands the IP numbers from the leaders of communities accused of pedophilia and other crimes. Google avoids handing over the information. The important fact is that the data about IPs is stored in the US, more precisely in California, where the laws and local culture effectively protects anonymity and freedom of expression on the web. That's why IP numbers will not be disclosed easily. It's important to remember that, different from Yahoo, not even pressure by the government of China has made Google disclose user information. It has preferred to restrict its search results. What the Public Attorney should do is follow what was done in MySpace, which has become a safer place since it has restricted minors access and hired many specialists to monitor the site. Handing over user data is much easier than that. But lets be honest: this bullshit of closing Google's office in Brazil is way over the top.
They will never reach an agreement! - Everything on the Net
They will never reach an agreement! - Everything on the Net
Latest developments in the case seem to be leading to an open confrontation between the Internet giant and the Brazilian government, as company lawyers in the US start mentioning the possibility of closing Orkut in Brazil. That would be something interesting to watch, as this virtual environment has established itself as a cultural reference point in Brazilian awareness of the digital ecology. Bloggers are fast to react.
Google ameaça pôr fim ao Orkut no Brasil: a empresa, que está envolvida em uma série de processos judiciais, pode tomar a medida caso não seja possível coibir excessos dos usuários brasileiros ou não se chegar a um acordo com a Justiça do país. Para a direção do Google, seja qual for o resultado da atual disputa jurídica, a imagem do site pode sair irremediavelmente arranhada no Brasil, país que responde por entre 80% e 90% do total de usuários, de cerca de 20 milhões. Em conversa por telefone, a diretora jurídica do Google, Nicole Wong, disse que "nenhuma hipótese está descartada", mas que a empresa "está muito feliz em prover esse serviço ao Brasil e gostaria muito de poder continuar a fazê-lo".
Google ameaça pôr fim ao Orkut no Brasil - undergoogle.com
Google is talking about closing Orkut in Brazil: the company is involved in many lawsuits and can opt for the radical measure in case it cannot stop Brazilian user excesses or if it finds it impossible to reach an agreement with the country's justice system. Google admits that, in any case, the site's image is already damaged enough in Brazil, where there are between 80% and 90% of its 20 million users. In a telephone interview, Google's Associate General Counsel Nicole Wong declared that 'this could happen', although the company is 'happy to provide the service in Brazil, and would like to continue doing it'.
Google talks about closing Orkut in Brazil - undergoogle.com
Google talks about closing Orkut in Brazil - undergoogle.com
Toda essa “confusão” graças ao povinho que existe no Brasil. A cada dia que passa estou mais assustada e mais revoltada, talvez por pegar o metrô “abarrotado” de gente todos os dias, e ver como existe gente educada nesse país. Engraçado que o ser humano, não consegue esperar 2 minutos o próximo trem. Mas minha revolta com a educação brasileira (pelo menos paulistana) não tem a ver com o Google. Apesar que se pensar bem, até teria um vínculo. Anyway.
Google tira o Orkut do Brasil?? - Dona Fifi
All this confusion just because of some 'people' here in Brazil. Each day I am more frightened and revolted, maybe because I take the overcrowded subway everyday and can see the education level we have in this country nowadays: nobody can wait two minutes for the next train. But my revolt against Brazilian education (at least in Sao Paulo) has nothing to do with Google. Although, thinking a little more... maybe it has a link. Anyway...
Google takes Orkut out from Brasil?? - Dona Fifi
Google takes Orkut out from Brasil?? - Dona Fifi
E não é que eu acho que fiquei feliz com isso?! Aí todo mundo usaria o MySpace. Ou, se tudo desse certo mesmo, ninguém usaria mais nada e essa porra dessa moda ia pro saco. YAY! =D
Orkut CENSURADO?! - Blooooooooog
Hey, do you believe this is good news which makes me happy? Then everybody could use MySpace. Or, if everything goes right, nobody would use this crap anymore and this fad would go to hell. YAY! =D
Orkut Censored?! - Blooooooooog
Orkut Censored?! - Blooooooooog
The big media attention to the case is in direct proportion to the scale of Brazilian participation in the virtual environment. It's really huge, and could provide an interesting laboratory on how to deal with digital identity on the web. But observers are quick to point out that Google's loose attention to Orkut development -- especially the lack of proper controls in the subscription process -- has had a decisive impact in the formation of the Brazilian user base. Everybody in the country knows that most of the users of social networks are kids, and most parents are not even aware that the site is not supposed to be allowed to people under 18. Who's to blame? Would Google pay such loose attention if the majority of users were in the US?
Milhões de crianças brasileiras acessam o site de relacionamentos Orkut sem que os pais saibam que ele é um local preferencial para a ação de pedófilos no Brasil, revelou a pesquisa divulgada hoje (22), em São Paulo, pela organização não-governamental SaferNet. O site, de propriedade da empresa norte-americana Google, “é um site adulto. Está dito nos termos e regras da Google. E, no entanto, sabemos que os pais, muitas vezes, não sabem disso", disse Thiago Tavares, presidente da SaferNet.
Famílias precisam saber que site Orkut é apenas para maiores de 18 anos, alerta presidente de ONG - SaferNet Brasil
Millions of Brazilian kids use the Orkut social network without the agreement of parents, who don't even imagine that there is the preferred place for pedophile activity in Brazil. This is what was revealed by the survey published today (22 August) in Sao Paulo by the NGO SaferNet. 'Google's service is an adult site. This is expressed in Google's rules and terms of use, and parents are not informed about that', declares Thiago Tavares, SaferNet's president.
Families need to know that Orkut is for adult use, alerts NGO president - SaferNet Brasil
Families need to know that Orkut is for adult use, alerts NGO president - SaferNet Brasil
Enquanto no Brasil vivemos a polêmica do Google divulgar ou não divulgar os dados de certos usuários do orkut, acusados de pedofilia e racismo, temos uma situação oposta ocorrendo na Inglaterra. A Microsoft está trabalhando juntamente com a “UK Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre” para proteger os usuários do Windows Live Messenger. Os usuários do Windows Live Messenger na Inglaterra, poderão reportar diretamente para as autoridades possíveis pedófilos no chat. Será adicionado um ícone “report abuse” (reportar abuso) que ao ser clicado enviará um aviso para o serviço de polícia online.
Microsoft “lava as mãos” - Diogo Azevedo
While in Brazil we are going through the debate of Google disclosing or not the data of some Orkut users accused of racism and pedophilia, we have a very different situation going on in England. Microsoft is working along with the "UK Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre" in order to protect Windows Live Messenger's users. Now users in England will report directly to authorities the presence of pedophiles in chat rooms. There will be an added 'report abuse' icon which when clicked, will send a note to the online police service.
Microsoft “lava as mãos” - Diogo Azevedo
Microsoft “lava as mãos” - Diogo Azevedo
There must be some common ground for a positive settlement. It seems obvious that some Brazilian officials lack understanding of the web global dynamics AND Google has made equivalent errors in not paying close attention to inappropriate membership and behaviors of Orkut users until now. But the present 'tug of war' format of the debate will not help anybody. All sides should keep in mind that the case can be an opportunity bringing important insights about how to deal with identity in the web environment. Brazilians are ready (eager?) to explore these possibilities. It would be important also that Google Brazil's team should be prepared to think and move with respect for local cultural sensibilities while dealing with the implications created by such a huge experiment in social networking. It is obvious that 'adsense' sales people are not prepared to understand the deep issues that will keep emerging from the incredible digital laboratory spontaneously generated by social networking. Google's one-size-fits-all approach may just not fit everywhere, every time.
A Google Inc. diz que cumpriu todos os pedidos endereçados corretamente até hoje. A Folha apurou ainda que a empresa reluta em ceder dados de seus usuários, a não ser em acordo com a Justiça dos EUA, por temer que esses possam ter uso político. Precedentes citados são os de autoridades chinesas e iranianas, que já exigiram informações de dissidentes dos respectivos regimes.
Google ameaça fechar Orkut no Brasil - InfoNotícia
Google Inc. declared that it has complied with all requests correctly addressed until today. Folha has also found that the company is reluctant to hand over user data if not in accord with the US justice system because of its fear of political use of the information. The quoted precedents are the requests from Iranian and Chinese authorities who already asked for information about dissidents in the respective regimes.
Google can close Orkut in Brasil - InfoNotícia
Google can close Orkut in Brasil - InfoNotícia
E voltando a velha novela “Porque não Investir em Pindorama”, o Ministério Público Federal pede o fechamento do Google no Brasil. Não resta duvida que o Google deve tomar uma postura mais séria em relação a crimes cometidos em suas páginas, até porque pedofilia (por exemplo) é crime em tanto em Mountain View quanto em Belo Horizonte. Mas será que não basta que se faça um termo de ajustamento de conduta, negociado, de forma a equalizar as leis locais com as da Matriz da empresa ?... Por outro lado… Se fosse na China todos os 85 acusados já teriam sido executados e a familia estaria pagando a bala pelo Google Checkout.
and Justice for All - Déjà Vu
Coming back again to the old soap show "Why not investing in Pindorama (Brazil)". The country's Public Attorney's Office wants to close Google office in Brazil. There is no doubt Google has to take a more serious stance in relation to Orkut and the crimes happening on its pages, even more so because pedophilia is a crime in Mountain View just as it is in Belo Horizonte. But wouldn't it be just a case of negotiating an adjustment that would equalize the local law with the rules in the company's native country? Oppositely... If it was in China, all the 85 accused would have already been executed and the family would be paying for the bullet in Google Checkout.
and Justice for All - Déjà Vu
and Justice for All - Déjà Vu
Many lessons can be learned from the case. The fear factor raised by the story's treatment in the traditional media is worth mentioning. Natives of the Net are especially sensitive to those kinds of stories and signals that call for more and more control of Net freedoms. Again -- in the midst of this confusing debate -- the blogosphere seems to offer source of discourse for a deeper understanding of the diverse sides involved. The guys at Google -- by the tone of a recent post in its Brazilian blog -- seem to share the special place given to children in Brazilian culture. This may be an historic opportunity of collaborating with the enthusiastic willingness of a country that is anxious to relate in the digital environment. This is how Brazilians might want the famous Internet mogul to treat children playing in a space created by Google:
No piquenique de verão do Google, todo mundo pode agir como criança. O evento é sempre cheio de atrações especiais, prêmios e um delicioso churrasco. Realmente, é melhor do que um parque de diversões! Por isso, vários Googlers trazem a família para aproveitar a tarde no Amphiteatro Shoreline, em Mountain View, Califórnia. O tema deste ano foi “Alice no País das Maravilhas”, os participantes tinham que realizar uma escolha difícil: brincar nas xícaras dançantes do Chapeleiro Maluco, no pula-pula da Lagarta ou no torneio de Pôquer da Rainha de Copas.
Aventuras no país das maravilhas - Google Brasil Blog
In Google's summer picnic, everybody can act like a child. The event is always full of special attractions, prizes and a delicious barbecue. It is really better than a park! That's why many Googlers bring their families to spend the afternoon in the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California. The theme this year was 'Alice in Wonderland', and the participants had to make a difficult choice: play with Mad Hatter's dancing cups, or jump with the Dormouse, or play in the poker game with the Queen of hearts.
Adventures in Wonderland - Google Brasil Blog
Adventures in Wonderland - Google Brasil Blog
Brazilians would most likely want to relate with a company which is so proud of its ability to create a safe fun environment for children as it does for its US customers. 17 million Brazilian Orkut users are an incredible opportunity. Maybe Google will be able to create a safe and fun environment here as well. Maybe the mutually shared cultural concerns for our children will lead to a creative adjustment in the Orkut playground. We will be watching....
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